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魔界戰記2 Disgaea 2 PC

原價 折扣 節省
$669.00 6.1 $260
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魔界戰記2 Disgaea 2 PC


遊戲名稱: 魔界戰記2 Disgaea 2 PC


【 遊戲介紹 】

由日本一製作,承襲該公司一貫獨特風格的 PS2 策略模擬角色扮演類型最新作《魔界戰記 2(Makaisenki Disgaea 2)》,承襲 2003 年推出的《魔界戰記》續篇作品,是一款戰略角色扮演遊戲,玩家將率領夥伴與部隊,在各關卡戰場上與敵人進行一場又一場的戰爭,並藉由戰鬥的歷練讓角色成長。

有別於前作以魔界王子一統天下的題材,本代的主角是熱血的人類少年 阿戴爾。故事敘述所有人類遭魔王詛咒,逐漸喪失記憶與良知變化為惡魔。唯有主角阿戴爾一人未遭受詛咒而保持人類的姿態。為了替惡魔化的家人復仇,奪回被魔王 賽農 所支配的人類世界,阿戴爾於是踏上征討魔王的冒險。

~ The DEFINITIVE Edition! Includes all content from Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PS2) and Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days (PSP) ~

Darkness is back. Overlord Zenon has cursed the land, and now, Veldime is transforming into a nasty Netherworld. Memories are sterilized, bodies demonized, the world is falling into chaos. The only one unaffected is a young man, Adell. He stands up to fight the curse, but things never go as planned. The haughty daughter of Zenon, a filthy little frog, lovable demon siblings and a washed-up rock star!? No one can ever predict what goes on in the world of Disgaea. And of course, other Overlords refuse to sit still watching...

Key Features:

Choose from over 200 character classes for your squad!

All-new Dark Court system where the good are punished and the evil praised.

The Item World is back! Customize your items to make them even better.

Utilize the new Stack Attack option, adding another layer of strategy.

Enter the Dark World: a hardcore world setting where you can display massive amounts of damage!

Play through Axel Mode and help Axel regain his popularity!

Head over to the Land of Carnage, defeat high level enemies, and claim victory!

New to Disgaea 2 PC:

Updated UI, keyboard and mouse support

New keyboard shortcuts

Playable on Macs & Steam Machines!

Three playable characters that never made it to the West: Dark Eclair, Gig, and Miabel!

【 系統需求 】


作業系統: Windows 10/8/7

處理器: Core2 Duo 2.60 GHz

記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體

圖像: GeForce 9500 GT, Radeon HD 5450 (OpenGL 3.0)

儲存空間: 2 GB 可用空間

音效卡: Onboard


作業系統: Windows 10/8/7

處理器: Core i5-2500 3.30 GHz

記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體

圖像: GeForce GTS 450, Radeon HD 5750

儲存空間: 2 GB 可用空間

音效卡: Onboard

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