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永遠消失的幻想鄉 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo 支援簡中

原價 折扣 節省
$439.00 7.5 $110
剩餘時間 請稍等, 正在載入中...
0 好評
永遠消失的幻想鄉 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo 支援簡中


遊戲名稱: 永遠消失的幻想鄉 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo


**會發送STEAM 錢包代碼 台幣 NT300 元**

【 遊戲介紹 】

"The Disappearing of Gensokyo" is a Touhou Project doujin game made with our love and heart, we hope you enjoy it.

A game from MyACG Studio, a Chinese doujin game fan circle.

We have re-imagined Touhou as an ARPG, creating this "Danmaku-Shooting-ARPG".

Fight against different kinds of enemies, and defeat the powerful bosses of Gensokyo!

We hope this game will be a good experience for those who are both new and knowledgeable of Gensokyo - the world of Touhou Project!


Dodge, shoot!

A brand new "Danmaku-Shooting-ARPG" game.

We have kept the Danmaku features of Touhou, and re-imagined it as an ARPG!

We know you want more playable characters~!

Control characters from Gensokyo with interesting and unique abilities.

Use their special abilities to defeat a variety of enemies and bosses.

A variety of enemies

An "Incident" happens again as usual. Strange people are appearing in Gensokyo!

Who are they? Where did they come from? Why did they come here?

But no matter, you have to defeat them!

Exciting Boss Combat

We spent a lot of time polishing the boss fights.

Fight against famous Touhou characters, find their weaknesses, and save Gensokyo!

Explore Gensokyo

You will explore Heaven, the Hakurei Shrine, Misty Lake, the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and more famous places in Gensokyo!

Explore the world of Gensokyo and find out what's going on!

Solve the Incident!

It's an Incident! But this time, "Incident resolver -- Hakurei Reimu" doesn't appear!

Where is she? Gensokyo is in danger!


Touhou Project Creator: ZUN

Developer: MyACG Studio

This game complies with the guidelines for releasing Touhou doujin games on Steam.


【 系統需求 】

基本配備 :

作業系統: Windows 7

處理器: 2 Core CPU

記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: 512MB Graphic Card

DirectX: 版本:10

儲存空間: 2 GB 可用空間

音效卡: Normal Sound Card


作業系統: Windows 10

處理器: 4 Core CPU

記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: 1G Graphic Card

DirectX: 版本:11

儲存空間: 2 GB 可用空間

音效卡: Normal Sound Card

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