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全軍破敵:羅馬2 高盧戰記 Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul Campaign Pack DLC

售價$559元 降價通知

  • 商品分級青少年

  • 累計好評49

  • 贈送積分559

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  • 遊戲分級:青少年
  • 限區:台灣 [ TW ]
  • 配送:數位授權 [ 電子郵件 ] *免帳密

遊戲名稱:全軍破敵:羅馬2 高盧戰記 Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul Campaign Pack DLC



** 必須有 羅馬2:全軍破敵  T otal War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition  主程式 才能執行 





【 遊戲介紹 】 


New Campaign Map:全新的戰略地圖

The Caesar in Gaul campaign map is an enhanced, more detailed representation of Gaul, with players able to expand across 18 provinces dotted with resources, new settlements and new provincial capitals.



Greater focus on characters:更著重於角色發展的系統(各國的將軍之類)

Many factions employ great generals and statesmen from history (for example, Rome fields Gaius Julius Caesar himself, Mark Anthony and others). Each of the four playable factions also has a faction leader who acts as the player’s avatar during the campaign.



24 turns per year:一年24回合

As Caesar in Gaul deals with a considerably shorter time-span (58-51BC) than the grand sweep of the ROME II campaign, each turn represents two weeks rather than a year. This means seasons make a return. The gameplay effects of these aren’t always predictable however, and may vary from province to province. A late autumn may bring a good harvest for example, but a long, dry summer may damage your food production.



Compact, focussed multiplayer campaign:更精簡、專注的多人戰役系統(可以更快結束)

For those generals looking for a more rapid MP campaign game, Caesar in Gaul presents a series of interesting options. Due to the geographic scope and the opposing 48 factions, co-op or competitive 2-player campaigns are tighter, more focussed, and less time-consuming than a full Campaign.


New mid-game challenge mechanics:取代內戰的期中系統

For those players making it through to the mid-game, there will be new challenges to face as a more suitable replacement for the Civil Wars of ROME II. As a Gallic tribe, you’ll feel the mailed fist of Rome respond with heavy intervention forces, and as Rome, you’ll see the Gallic tribes rebelling and forming alliances against you.


New historical battle:全新的史實戰鬥

Caesar in Gaul adds the Battle of Alesia as a playable historical battle. Alesia marked the turning point of Caesar’s Gallic War, and resulted in the capture of Vercingetorix, who was later taken to Rome and executed at Caesar’s Triumph.

Set from Caesar’s perspective, Alesia tasks the player with maintaining the siege of Vercingetorix's Gallic stronghold. The battle begins with the Roman forces deployed within their own investment fortifications outside the hill-fort. The player must guide the Romans as they weather attacks from both a huge relief army and within the fort itself.

New Total War: ROME II full campaign playable factions:全新的可用勢力

Alongside the factions playable within the new Campaign, Caesar in Gaul also adds three new playable factions to the main game; they are:


Nervii (barbarian, Belgic)

The most fierce and powerful of the Belgic tribes, the Nervii are a melting pot of Celtic and Germanic heritage. Their unit roster reflects this mix of cultures, opening up the possibility of creating new, unique army compositions.

Boii (barbarian, Gallic)波依人

One of the largest of the Gallic tribes, the Boii occupied Cisalpine-Gaul, Pannonia, Bohemia and Transalpine Gaul. Their numbers make them a force to be reckoned with but they are somewhat disconnected from other the Gallic tribes geographically and are directly exposed to the ferocious Germanic clans and the Dacians.

Galatians (barbarian, Anatolia)加拉泰人

The Gauls of the East, the Galatians migrated to Asia Minor following the Celtic invasion of the Balkans. They arrived through Thracia at around 270 BC, led by generals Lotarios & Leonnorios. As Celts deep within Hellenic territory and factions hostile towards them, the Galatians offer interesting and challenging new gameplay.

New units:新單位

Alongside their usual unit rosters, the playable factions of Caesar in Gaul (and playable factions in the main ROME II campaign provided by Caesar in Gaul ownership) also gain the following new units:  


Boii (ROME II)

Sword Followers (sword infantry)

Where a lord commands, the sword is thrust.

Veteran Spears (spear infantry)

Battle hardens the sinews and the heart, and deafens the ear to the cries of cowards.

Galatians (ROME II)

Galatian Legionaries (sword infantry)

The Celts have taught the Romans more than they're prepared to admit, but this is a two-way street.

Galatian Raiders (javelin and sword cavalry)

Broken enemies know it is better to flee than face riders who will not spare their lives.

Gallic tribes (ROME II and Caesar in Gaul)

Chosen Swordsmen (sword infantry)

These men fight with proven bravery and well-honed skill-at-arms.

Chosen Spearmen (spear infantry)

Chainmail does not chill a warrior's heart, or still his lust for battle.

Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.

Nervii (ROME II and Caesar in Gaul)

Fierce Swords (sword infantry)

Once he has earned it, a Celt will only be parted from his longsword by death itself.

Guerilla Swordsmen (stealth sword infantry)

These swordsmen strike wherever and whenever their enemies least expect.

Mighty Horse (spear cavalry)

A strong mount and a savage swing make these warriors a fearsome prospect.

Naked Spears (spear infantry)

Who needs clothes when you have more than your share of courage?

Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.


Auxiliary Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The skills of a hunter should be used in the service of Rome.

Auxiliary Noble Horse(spear cavalry) 

A mounted, armoured fist is always useful in a Roman army.

Auxiliary Naked Swords (sword infantry)

The savage gods of war should be used to Rome's advantage.

Auxiliary Short Swords (sword infantry)

Bravery in battle, rather than skill, sometimes gives worth to a man.


Mercenary Gallic Hunters (stealth bow infantry)

The hunting of other men often has the greatest of rewards.

Mercenary Noble Horse (spear cavalry) 

Even a nobleman has his price, and will fight for gold.

Mercenary Naked Swords (sword infantry)

The gods of war will bless mercenaries as long as they fight bravely.

Mercenary Short Swords (sword infantry)

It is often enough to sell bravery and a taste for glory.



【 系統需求 】




OS: XP/ Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 

Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor / 2.6 GHz Intel Single Core processor 

Memory:2GB RAM 

Graphics:512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible card (shader model 3, vertex texture fetch support). 


Hard Drive:35 GB HD space 

Additional:Screen Resolution - 1024x768





OS:Windows 7 / Windows 8 

Processor:2nd Generation Intel Core i5 processor (or greater) 

Memory:4GB RAM 

Graphics:1024 MB DirectX 11 compatible graphics card. 


Hard Drive:35 GB HD space 

Additional:Screen Resolution - 1920x1080


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