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海運王2 TransOcean 2: Rivals

售價$789元 降價通知

  • 商品分級全年齡

  • 累計好評0

  • 贈送積分789

  • 結帳方式

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  • 遊戲分級:全年齡
  • 限區:台灣 [ TW ]
  • 配送:數位授權 [ 電子郵件 ]

遊戲名稱:海運王2 TransOcean 2: Rivals









【 遊戲介紹 】


In TransOcean 2: Rivals you face a new challenge as the boss of your own shipping line: The international competition has gotten a lot tougher and the battle for the most lucrative contracts has only just begun. Will you succeed in sweeping your rivals from the seven seas and leading your shipping line to global success and renown?

The Game


TransOcean 2: Rivals, the second chapter of the successful business simulation TransOcean, offers days of entertaining play either alone in its three single-player modes – Campaign, Endless Game and Competition - or with friends in a thrilling, competitive multiplayer mode. 


Get started with your newly founded shipping line in one of 60 ports and begin your career with a small fleet of worn-out old Feeders, the smallest type of ship in TransOcean 2: Rivals. Choose your port wisely and complete your first contracts to nearby ports in order to generate your first funds. Conduct your business with brains, plan your voyages with foresight and don’t underestimate external factors like the price of oil or your rival companies. This is how you will slowly expand your fleet and establish subsidiaries across the whole world. Are you up to mastering all the challenges? 


A livelier economic system influencing all kinds of goods ensures that in TransOcean 2: Rivals you are also faced with macroeconomic challenges. With the three types of ships - Tankers, Container Ships and Bulk Carriers - you have even more options to specialize and take your company to the top. Challenge your rivals and develop your own global business enterprise. 


In the single-player mode, you can also give yourself a very unique challenge: Steer your ships directly in a variety of 3D environments when the tugboats go on strike and the going gets tough. Can you maneuver both small and large vessels undamaged through the harbor basin?

The Campaign


You already made it years ago. You paid off that hard-nosed investor and were the most successful shipping magnate on all the seven seas. But then something went wrong! Your shipping empire collapsed and what’s more - your old consultant and friend, Hiram T. Witherspoon, ended up behind bars. Now you’re living the life of a recluse as a dog sled pilot in Alaska. But your desire to help Hiram and put a stop to your adversary, Lydia Blythe-Smith’s, plans, drives you back to the world’s ports. 


Have you got what it takes to face down old and new competitors and become the successful shipping magnate you once were? Because only then can you put a halt to Lydia Blythe-Smith’s attacks once and for all.

Campaign Features:

6 exciting chapters that gradually make the player familiar with all the game mechanics 

Three different medals per chapter increase replayability enormously 

Catch up with old acquaintances and meet some new ones, while pitting yourself against unscrupulous rivals 

Also in all single-player modes: Steer your ships yourself in an immersive 3D mini game

Multiplayer Mode


In multiplayer mode you play against up to 7 real opponents. And you’re going to need real strategic skill to stay ahead of the competition. With increasing pressure from your competitors, you will also see your opportunities increase: Battle for economic domination in the different regions or engage in sabotage activities to damage your competitors. But think carefully: Your rivals won’t just take that lying down. 


A single game is divided into several rounds in which you have to complete defined tasks in order to achieve Victory Points. The player who acquires the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. Victory Point criteria are always randomly defined at the beginning of a game. You can manually set a game’s duration. This means there’s never an overriding optimum strategy and each game brings new challenges. While in one game you might receive Victory Points for making the most money, in another the reward will perhaps come from having the most modern ship. Will you rise up to all challenges and defeat your competitors?

Multiplayer Mode Features:

Play with up to 7 players in real time 

Differing Victory Point criteria randomly set at the beginning of every game make every experience unique 

Plenty of possible game strategies make for varied sessions 

Sabotage your rivals to get ahead at the decisive moment 

The length of every game can be defined and last up to 2 hours



TransOcean 2: Rivals, developed by Deck 13 Hamburg, is the sequel to the successful game, TransOcean: The Shipping Company, enormously popular with business strategy players, simulation fans and anyone who loves big cargo ships.


Three varied game modes: The challenging Campaign, the calm Endless Game and the Competition mode against AI opponents 

The popular 3D mini game in single-player mode: Man the wheel of your own ship and navigate it through some pretty tricky situations 

Step up against other players in Multiplayer mode and use the best strategy to win Victory Points 

Sabotage your rival players 

Developed by Deck 13 Hamburg, the creative brains behind TransOcean: The Shipping Company 

New types of ships and cargo: Container ships, Tankers and Bulk ships, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses 

Improve your ships with a wide range of upgrades 

Over 60 ports across all continents 

Awesome orchestral soundtrack 

Expand your fleet and buy the biggest ships 

Set yourself new, dynamic challenges and become the best shipping magnate





【 系統需求 】



作業系統: Windows 7 or newer (64 Bit) 

處理器: Intel Core i3-2120, 3,3 GHz or higher 

記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體 

圖像: Geforce GTX 260, Radeon HD 4850 (1 GB VRAM) or comparable 

DirectX: 版本:10 

Storage: 8 GB 可用空間



作業系統: Windows 7 or newer (64 Bit) 

處理器: Intel Core i5-3570K, 3.4 GHz or higher 

記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體 

圖像: Geforce GTX 760 or comparable 

DirectX: 版本:10 

Storage: 8 GB 可用空間

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